Adepticon 2025
One of the biggest sci-fi and fantasy tabletop conventions, and the farthest west that WHP travels. In 2023, we brought a selection of products from On Military Matters with us, and we will be expanding upon what we brought last year. If there is anything that you are looking for in advance, please reach out to us. Adepticon is always a great opportunity for us to meet and engage with the Kings of War and Infinity gamers - representing two of the biggest franchises we publish tie-ins for. But our history also has a big place at this convention! We’ve been told that bringing our historicals helps to add a unique flair to our presence at Adepticon - and we’re happy to hear that historical gaming will return with a bigger presence at Adepticon 2025.

MFCA 2025
Winged Hussar Publishing and On Military Matters attends MFCA yearly. A brief synopsis from their website:
“The Miniature Figure Collectors of America (MFCA) is a society of creative enthusiasts founded in 1941. Early members were interested in collecting aspects of Military History in the form of toy soldiers and what limited models were available at the time. The organization has since grown to include not only collectors, but members whose interests range from toy soldiers, and plastic models to connoisseur figures whether they be of historical, legend, or fantasy.”

Historicon 2025
HMGS, Inc. is a non-profit, charitable, and educational organization whose purpose is to promote the study of military history through the art of tabletop miniature wargaming.
WHP has been supporting HMGS since our foundation, and their shows are staples of our yearly rotation.

Other HMGS Conventions
Cold Wars 2025: Winged Hussar Publishing will not be attending this year.
Fall In! 2025: Winged Hussar Publishing will be attending, and the event will be listed as soon as we have a date.

Historicon 2024
HMGS, Inc. is a non-profit, charitable, and educational organization whose purpose is to promote the study of military history through the art of tabletop miniature wargaming.
WHP has been supporting HMGS since our foundation, and their shows are staples of our yearly rotation.

Adepticon 2024
One of the biggest sci-fi and fantasy tabletop conventions, and the farthest west that WHP travels. Adepticon is always a great opportunity for us to meet and engage with the Kings of War and Infinity gamers - representing two of the biggest franchises we publish tie-ins for. But our history also has a big place at this convention! We’ve been told that bringing our historicals helps to add a unique flair to our presence at Adepticon - and this year, we’ll be bringing products from On Military Matters with us.

Philcon 2023
Started in 1936, Philcon features cutting-edge programming about literature, art, television, film, anime, comics, science, gaming, costuming and cosplay, music, and other topics of interest to fans of sci-fi, fantasy, and horror. They will also have many other attractions, such as an Art Show and Auction; a Vendors Room full of unique merchandise; a full-featured Tabletop Gaming room; Writer’s Workshop (featuring professional authors and editors); Concerts; Dances, Masquerade/Costume Competition, and more!

Fall In! 2023
HMGS, Inc. is a non-profit, charitable and educational 501(c)3 organization whose purpose is to promote the study of military history through the art of tabletop miniature wargaming.
HMGS membership offers discount admission to HMGS conventions nationwide, Education, an opportunity to spread the gospel of historical gaming through Outreach, a periodic e-newsletter and fellowship with other military history buffs and gaming enthusiasts.
Barrage 2023
Barrage (established 1996) is a low-stress, two-day mini-convention, focusing on having fun with miniatures games of many different genres, scales, and sets of rules. Barrage is run by the Harford Area Weekly Kriegspielers (HAWKs) at the community center in Havre de Grace, Maryland, about 30 minutes north of Baltimore. This venue is convenient from I-95, has plenty of parking, is well lit, and is comfortable.

Adepticon 2021
Join us for Adepticon in 2021! Details TBA, but stay tuned to the Adepticon website at https://www.adepticon.org/

Cold Wars 2021
Join us at Cold Wars, at a TBA time and place! More than likely, it will be at the Host. Stay tuned to the Cold Wars website for updates: https://www.hmgs.org/page/CWHome

Fall In 2020
Join us at the Valley Forge Casino for Fall In! This year’s theme is vehicles of war: trains, tracks, and trucks. Check out more information at: https://www.hmgs.org/page/FIHome

Historicon 2020
Come visit us at the Lancaster County Convention Center! We’ll be bringing all our usual goodies. For more information, check out the Historicon page: https://www.hmgs.org/page/HconHome